Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

Dr I. Nyambayo


I am Dr. Isabella Nyambayo, and I have a BSc in Applied Biology and Biochemistry, MSc in Human Nutrition, and a Ph.D. in Science (Analytical Biochemistry). I have a passion for research and teaching in higher education. During my sandwich undergraduate degree, I researched packaging material and their application in industry to extend the shelf life of food products, and on the extraction and characterisation of pectin from orange peels. I continued to develop my passion for research in the food industry and my Ph.D. research was focused on crosslinking mucilage used to immobilise enzyme, polygalacturonase, extracted from tomatoes. Enzyme biotechnology plays an important role in the processing and technology of food and drinks.

My understanding of food could not be complete without studying an MSc in Human Nutrition – mechanisms of nutrient-nutrient and nutrient-gene interactions, sensory perception of food, and tribology.  I have experience in the food industry (Unilever), and FE vocational training(UK), and HE research, academic training(the UK and abroad), and practicing nutritionist.

I am a Fellow of the Institute of Food Science (FIFST), Registered Sensory Scientist (RegSensSci), Chartered Scientist (CSci), member of Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSocChem), Association of Nutrition registered nutritionists (RegNutri-Nutrition Science), Senior Fellow HEA (SFHEA), and academic ambassador for Nutrition Society.

Publications (ORCID org/0000-0002-2413-1326)

  • Fitriani, A., Haliza, M.N., Utami, N.P., Nyambayo, I., Sanayei, S., & Rahmadhia, S.N. (2024). Texture Profile Analysis of Lamtoro Gung (Leucaena leucocephalassp. Glabrata (Rose) S. Zarate) Tempeh, Journal of Agri-Food Science and Technology (JAFoST) 5(1) 2024: 65 – 71,
  • Comblik K., Hawkes M., Lunel M., & Nyambayo I. (2024). Meat packaging sustainability perception among undergraduate university students studying Food and Forensic Science related courses: A Coventry University scoping exercise. SustainE. 1(2), 1-42.  
  • Jepson, L., Daniel, R., Nyambayo, I. and Munialo, C.D. (2024), The isolation and characterisation o protein from nine edible insect species, Journal of Food Science and Technology,
  • Stanley, N., Nyambayo, I., & Villarino, B. (2022). Overcoming barriers to sustainable, healthy diets, Food Science & Technology, 36(1), 40 -45.
  • Kemp, S.E., Nyambayo, I., Rogers, L., Sanderson, T. & Villarino, B. (2021). Trends in food sensory science. Food Science & Technology. 35(4), 46 – 50.
  • Kemp, S.E., Nyambayo, I., Rogers, L., Sanderson, T. & Villarino, B. (2021). COVID related changes in consumer perception and behaviour. Food Science & Technology, 35(3), 22 – 25.
  • Munialo, C.D.; Kontogiorgos, V., Euston, S.R., and Nyambayo, I. (2019) Rheological, tribological and sensory attributes of texture modified food for dysphagia patients and the elderly: A review, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, doi:10.1111/ijfs.14483
  • Nyambayo, I.: Food insecurity: Hidden hunger or food poverty in Europe and developing countries in VEOE Einblicke, 2018/04, 1-3.
  • Nyambayo I. Food Security In Developed Countries (Europe And USA) – Is It Insecurity And Insufficiency Or Hunger And Poverty In Developed Countries? (2015) BAOJ Nutrition
  • Nyambayo I. and Benhura M. A. N. 1999 Preparation of water insoluble crosslinked mucilage from ruredzo (Dicerocaryum zanguebarium). Journal of Applied Sciences in Southern Africa, 5 I, 47-53
  • Benhura M. A. N. and Mavhudzi-Nyambayo I. 1999 Depolymerisation of mucilage isolated from ruredzo (Dicerocaryum zanguebarium) by ascorbic acid in the presence of catalysts. Carbohydrate Polymers, 38, 371-373
  • Benhura M. A. N. and Mavhudzi-Nyambayo I. 1997 Some properties of ruredzo (Dicerocaryum zanguebarium) mucilage crosslinked with epichlorohydrin. Carbohydrate Polymers, 34, 67-71.
  • Benhura M. A. N. and Mavhudzi I. 1996 Use of crosslinked mucilage prepared from ruredzo (Dicerocaryum zanguebarium) in the purification of polygalacturonase extracted from tomato. Food Chemistry, 56(3), 433-437.

-Book chapters

Draft Book (Accepted for publication by Springer, April 2024) – GHI collaborations.

Chapters I am:

Lead author

    • Consumer perception of plant-based eggs
    • Consumer perception of meat alternatives
    • Consumer perception of milk and dairy products


  • A comparative review of the consumer perspective on the Safety, Quality and Sensory Attributes of Alternative Proteins and Future food Opportunities.
  • Consumer perception of food quality and safety in Europe


I got my inspiration to practice as a nutritionist and I would like to provide a platform where other people can be able to learn about nutrition and wellbeing.  The food industry generates a lot of job opportunities ranging from agriculture (farming, livestock, micro livestock), nutrition, processing, engineering, manufacturing, packaging, analytical techniques, sensory science/ consumer science,  sustainability, reduction of food waste, food safety, quality control and assurance, legislations and regulations, supply chain and logistics. Food is very important throughout the lifespan, therefore understanding good nutrition is vital for health and wellbeing.

I would like the young nutritionist to understand the process of client consultation, therefore I also offer training on client consultation and mentoring for new nutrition graduates. Some material in the form of videos will be shared aiming at educating the young generation about the benefits of developing a career as a nutritionist. Some of the information will be for those who have just completed their degree in the nutrition-related discipline and are looking for a job.

Some of the sections of the site will be reserved for small to Food and Drink Manufacturing to learn about the food industry, their role in human nutrition and health.


The main purpose of the site is to provide information on food-related disciplines including training. Both visitors and members on the site will be able to interact with each other.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,

Dr. Isabella Nyambayo MRSocChem, FIFST, RegSensSci, CSci, RegNutri(Nutrition Science), SFHEA.

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